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研究了光敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)农垦58S(NK58S)的光合日变化和光抑制.06:00~09:00,NK58S的光抑制不明显,此时的光合功能下调以叶黄素循环为主;10:00~12:00,耗散比能流(DIo/RC)及光反应中心关闭净速率(dV/dto)增加,受体侧电子传递受阻(ψo下降),活性反应中心密度(Do)降低,NK58S光抑制加剧,PSⅡ反应中心发生失活.荧光暗弛豫分析与抑制剂处理结果表明,状态转换、叶黄素循环和PSⅡ反应中心失活均能有效保护NK58S免遭强光损伤.叶黄素循环相对于反应中心失活,前者是NK58S对强光胁迫的快速反应,在光强相对较弱时发挥主要作用,而后者在叶黄素循环达到饱和时对保护剩余活性反应中心起主要作用.  相似文献   
Eight indica (Oryza sativa L.) environment-sensitive genic male-sterile (EGMS) lines, 2-2S, K1405S, F131S, 2136S, Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, GD-1S and N17S, were sequentially seeded with 10-15 d interval at three sites, Wuhan in 1997, Guiyang in 1997 and Sanya in 1997 and 1998, China. The results of investigations on self-sterilities showed that all of eight EGMS lines had stable sterile periods of longer than 30 d at Wuhan. They can be used for seed production of two-line hybrid rice, but can not reproduce themselves. Their stable sterile periods were shorter than 30 d at Guiyang, they can reproduce themselves and can not be used for hybrid seed production. In Sanya, their stable sterile periods were longer than 150 d, all of eight lines can be used for seed production in summer and autumn and reproduce themselves in winter. The fertility of all eight lines were sensitive to temperature. The sensitive stages, sensitive duration and critical point of temperatures (CPT) of fertility alteration in various lines were different. The sensitive stages of 2-2S and K1405S were from 18 d to 9 d before heading, the sensitive durations were 7-10 d and the CPTs were 23.7-24.5 ℃. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of F131S were from 17 to 5 d before heading, 13 d and 24.3-24.7 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stage, sensitive duration and CPT of 2136S were from 18 to 12 d before heading, 7 d and 24.6-25.1 ℃, respectively. The sensitive stages, sensitive durations of Pei-Ai 64S, 1290S, N17S and GD-1S were from 24 to 13 d before heading and 10-13 d. And their CPTs were 24.6-25.1 ℃, 25.5-26.2 ℃, 25.4-26.1 ℃, and 24.1-24.7 ℃, respectively.  相似文献   
以谷子(Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.)雄性不育系1066A为母本,豫谷1号三体(1~7)及四体8和四体9作父本进行杂交,应用初级三体分析法,进行了谷子雄性不育基因和黄苗基因的染色体定位研究.通过配置大量杂交组合和反复授粉,利用豫谷1号三体的极少量花粉,获得了三体2~9的F1代杂种,各杂种三体的形态与豫谷1号三体基本相似,略有差异,苗色呈绿色且可育.杂种F2植株的苗色和育性都产生分离.结果是三体3、5、7、8、9的F2代分离出的可育株与不育株之比为3∶1,三体6的可育株与不育株之比为14∶1 (χ2=0.012,P=0.01).杂种F2分离出的绿苗与黄苗之比只有三体7为12∶1 (χ2=0.36, P=0.01),其他均为3∶1.因此,可以确定1066A的不育基因为隐性单基因,位于第6号染色体上,该品系的黄苗基因也是隐性单基因,位于第7号染色体上.  相似文献   
谷子雄性不育系1066A不育基因和黄苗基因的染色体定位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以谷子(Setaria italica(L).Beauv.)雄性不育系1066A为母本,豫谷1号三体(1-7)及四体8和四体9作父本进行杂交,应用初极三体分析法,进行了谷子雄性不育基因和黄苗基因的染色体定位研究。通过配置大时杂交组合和反复授粉,利用豫谷1号三体的极少量花粉,获得了三体2-9的F1代杂种,各杂种三体的形态与豫谷1号三体基本个似,略有差异,苗色呈绿色且可育。杂种F2植株的育性都产生分离。结果是三体3、5、7、8、9的F2代分离出的可育株与不育标之比为3:1,三体6的可育株与不育株之比为14:1(x^2=0.012,p=0.01)。杂种F2分离出的绿苗与黄苗之比只有三体7为12:1(X^2=0.36,P=0.01),其他均为3:1。因此,可以确定1066A的不育基因为隐性单基因,位于第6号染色体上,该品系的黄苗基因也是隐性单基因,位于第7号染色体上。  相似文献   
温敏不育系A3314在中国不同生态地点的育性表现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用作者参与发明的ZL00105488.0专利方法选育的小麦温度敏感不育系A3314在中国元谋、杨陵、石家庄、互助、依安、贵阳、武威7个不同纬度地点种植的自交结实率,结合各点光温条件的分析表明:A3314在黄淮冬麦区、云贵冬麦区、西北春麦区、东北春麦区各点,按当地小麦生产正季播种均表现稳定雄性不育;而在黄淮和云贵冬麦区春播(夏播)则自交结实,适宜条件下自交结实率可达60%以上。说明该温敏不育系的雄性育性受温度的制约,而与日长无明显相关。根据A3314的育性表现,推测它在中国大部分小麦产区均可安全用于杂交小麦制种。  相似文献   
A literature review of 34 families of flowering plants containing at least one species pollinated primarily by beetles is presented. While the majority of species are represented by magnoliids and basal monocotyledons specialized, beetle-pollinated systems have evolved independently in 14 families of eudicotyldons and six families of petaloid monocots. Four, overlapping modes of floral presentation in plants pollinated exclusively by beetles (Bilabiate, Brush, Chamber Blossom and Painted Bowl) are described. Chamber Blossoms and Painted Bowls are the two most common modes. Chamber Blossoms, found in magnoliids, primitive monocotyledons and in some families of woody eudicots, exploit the greatest diversity of beetle pollinators. Painted Bowls are restricted to petaloid monocots and a few families of eudicots dependent primarily on hairy species of Scarabaeidae as pollen vectors. In contrast, generalist flowers pollinated by a combination of beetles and other animals are recorded in 22 families. Generalist systems are more likely to secrete nectar and exploit four beetle families absent in specialist flowers. Centers of diversity for species with specialized, beetle-pollinated systems are distributed through the wet tropics (centers for Brush and Chamber Blossoms) to warm temperate-Mediterranean zones (centers for Painted Bowls and a few Bilabiate flowers). It is unlikely that beetles were the first pollinators of angiosperms but specialized, beetlepollinated flowers must have evolved by the midlate Cretaceous to join pre-existing guilds of beetlepollinated gymnosperms. The floras of Australia and western North America suggest that mutualistic interactions between beetles and flowers has been a continuous and labile trend in angiosperms with novel interactions evolving through the Tertiary.  相似文献   
Spontaneous outcrossing of different malesterile rapeseed lines and transgenic hybrids with a population of a weedy species, Raphanus raphanistrum L., has led to the harvest of numerous seeds showing a size dimorphism. Flow cytometry analysis correlated with chromosome counts showed that all of the large seeds belonged to rapeseed, whereas the small seeds were a mixture of mostly interspecific triploid hybrids, with some trigenomic amphidiploids, diploid and haploid rapeseed plants. Significant differences were revealed between the rapeseed lines and transgenic hybrids in their ability to form interspecific hybrids with Raphanus raphanistrum under natural conditions. Resistance to the herbicide Basta was properly expressed in the triploid and amphidiploid hybrids. Low male fertility of the interspecific triploid hybrids was not correlated with seed set in the subsequent generation.  相似文献   
粳稻细胞质雄性不育系、保持系POD同工酶的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
粳稻341A、341B的不同器官和花药及雌蕊的不同发育时期共检测出9种POD同工酶谱带,其中POD_5、POD_6在所有10个器官中存在,因此可以认为是粳稻341A、341B的基本谱带。POD_8、POD_9谱带仅在少数器官中存在,具有一定的器官专一性。花粉粒发育的两个关键时刻,POD同工酶均多于保持系,这可能是雄性不育细胞质基因对核基因表达的调控作用所致,细胞质基因与细胞核基因存在着一定的相互关系,雄性不育可能是这两种基因共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
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